Versione Italiana

Our school and our town

on the 7 strands
Geometrical activities Scientific activities Our website

:: Welcome

Welcome to the Coletti Italy sector of the Socrates/Comenius school develpmenent project "The Nobel project in Mathematics and Science".

Our school is in Treviso, Veneto, Italy

It has two buildings: the main building, with the administrative office, is in S. Liberale, a quarter in Treviso, the other one is in a near district , named S. Bona. In every building there are 12 classes. Teachers and classes involved in the "Nobel project" work in S. Bona.

The pupils, aged 11-14, are around five hundred. They go to school for 33 hours a week, from 8 am to 1 pm from Monday to Saturday, except a day, when they have lunch at school and go home at 4 pm.
Science and Mathematics are thaught by the same teacher for six hours a week.

Inside this sector you can find the documentation of the activities run inside the "Nobel" project in the school years 2003/2004, 2004/2005 and 2005/2006

Coletti web pages by S.Turra

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