Versione Italiana  Questionnarie
on the 7 strands


Electricity and batteries Light, colours and vision

Shape and dimensions in living beings

Studying motion
in real time


2004/2005 and 2005/2006



  • to stimulate and raise pupils' curiosity about the surrounding natural and technological world
  • to promote a direct, active participation of the pupils
  • to develop process skills, such as observing, questioning, hypothesizing, predicting, investigating, interpreting, and communicating, that play an essential role in helping children develop a scientific way of thinking
  • to improve the children’s ability to work independently
  • to create a positive effect on the attitudes the pupils have for science
  • to contribute to fill the gap between school and real world
  • to enhance collaboration between pupils
  • to provide a basis for lifelong learning
  • to take account of the pupils’ different attitudes and learning styles

The topics

General approach

Starting from a hint, usually a situation in the everyday life ---> Asking questions and recalling prior ideas--->Selecting questions ---> Planning direct experimentations to answer the questions--------> Making direct or instrument-aided observation ---> Finding out information in books or Internet ---> Constructing knowledge ---> Sharing and disseminating discovers: pupils as teachers


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