An example of how to integrate Mathematics and
Does size matter?
- Why are mammals living in cold regions usually bigger
than those living in warmer places? Why do mammals living in the mountains
usually have short legs and small ears?
- Why does a small mammal have
a metabolic rate higher than a bigger one?
- Why does fennec, who lives
in Sahara, have big ears?
- Why are the leaves of plants living in dry
regions usually thick?
The ratio of skin surface to mass (or, equivalently, the ratio of surface
area to volume) has important consequences for mammals which must maintain
a constant body temperature.
The smaller the surface area is, the smaller the heat production is and then
the slower the metabolic processes are.
- When the animals must avoid losses of heat, they have a small skin
surface in comparison with their mass.
- Vice versa, small mammals, having
large ratios of surface area to volume,
need to produce a great deal of heat in comparison with their size
to avoid dying from low body temperature.
- The amount of food and oxygen
they must consume is greater in proportion to their size.
- The big
ears of the fennec allow him to lose a great deal of heat.
Similar explanation is applicable to the desert plants, that, in
order to keep water, must have a small leaf surface.
From a mathematical point of view… Perimeter : Surface area ratio
The rectangles built with
rubber bunds on the geoboard have the same perimeter (16 units).
What has the largest area?
What the smallest?
Perimeter = 16 units
The square has the largest area (16 u), the “narrowest ” rectangle
has the smallest area (7 u).
The unit of length is the horizontal or vertical distance between
two consecutive pegs.
The unit of area is one square unit enclosed
by four pegs.
Build all the existing rectangles made with 16 squares of 1 cm2. What
has the longest perimeter? What the shortest?
Area = 16 units
The square has the shortest perimeter
(16 u), the “narrowest” rectangle
has the longest one (34 u).
From a mathematical point of
view… Surface area : Volume ratio
With 8 wooden cubes, each representing
a volume unit, build all the possible parallelepipeds and measure
the surface of each one (assume the face of a cube unit as
area unit).
What solid has the largest surface? What solid has the smallest surface?
Volume = 8 units
The solid with smaller surface is
the most compact, that is the cube
(total area = 16 u).
The solid with the largest area is the "longest" parallelepiped
(total area = 34 u) |
With the wooden cubes build 3 cubes of different size and determine
surface and volume of each one.
How does the ratio surface area: volume
vary with the size?
For any given geometric shape (cube, sphere, etc.),
smaller objects have a greater surface to volume ratio than larger
As things get bigger their volumes increase rapidly, but their surface
areas don't increase as quickly.
CUBE UNIT --> Area/Volume = 6
MADE WITH 4 UNITS --> Area/Volume =3
27 UNITS-->Area/Volume =2
Two empty cardboard parallelepipeds and a cube have the same lateral
In order to compare the volume of the three solids, completely
fill them with rice, then weight the rice used for each
Which solid has the larger volume? Which the smallest?
Lateral area = 64 units
The solid with bigger volume is the cube.
The more compact the shape of a solid is, the smaller the ratio
Surface/Volume is.
Among the parallelepipeds, the solid “more
compact” is
the cube, absolutely speaking it is the sphere.