Versione Italiana  Questionnarie
on the 7 strands


Electricity and batteries Light, colours and vision

Shape and dimensions in living beings

Studying motion
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Our perception often tricks us.

Insert a screen between the two images. Look at the right picture with the right eye and at the left one with the left eye. After few seconds, what do you see?
Is it a man’s face or a sitting young woman, with the head leaning on her knees?
Stare at the picture. You’ll see dark spots in the white intersections among the black squares.. They don’t exist.
Stare at a ghost for 30 seconds while you are covering the door with a hand, then look inside the door. What do you see?
What do you see? A young goose or a rabbit?   Is it a true circle or has it been bad drawn?
Have the two lines the same length?
What do you see? A white cup or two black profiles?

Read quickly the words below:

red, green, yellow, red, blue, red, green, yellow, blue, green, yellow, blue, red, red, green, yellow, red, blue, green, yellow, blu, green, yellow, blu, red, yellow, red, blue, red, red, yellow, blue, green, yellow, blue, red, yellow, red, blue, yellow, red, blue, green, yellow, blue, red

When the word and the colour doesn’t match, we can’t read the word immediately, because we are more attracted by its colour.


Roll a white sheet of paper and stick it with sellotape to form a tube. Bring the tube close to the left eye with the left hand and look inside it, while you are covering the right eye with the other hand.Then bring the right hand close to the tube, with the palm facing you, like in the picture above.
Open the right eye and look at the right hand. What do you see in the palm?


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