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Second Round



Earl Cadfael  Sir Hillier
[never dodge, +1 to hit] [+1 AS]
In the first pass Earl Cadfael aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit (modified to a "7") and a "4" to wound breaking his first lance. Sir Hillier rolls a "5" (modified to a "6") to save  and he is safe.

In the second pass Earl Cadfael aims for helm, he rolls a "3" to hit (modified to a "4") and a "6" to wound, breaking his second lance. Sir Hillier rolls a "3(modified to a "4")  to save and he is wounded, his further roll is a "5" and he doesn't fall from his horse.

In the third pass Earl Cadfael aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit (modified to a "7") and a "3" to wound, breaking his third lance. Sir Hillier rolls a "3(modified to a "4")  to save and he is wounded,  so he falls from his horse.

The crowd applauds Earl Cadfael's victory. 

Earl Cadfael is too much wounded to continue, he has to leave the Tournament.

In the first pass Sir Hillier very graciously salute his opponent and than aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "4" to hit and a "4" to wound breaking his first lance, Earl Cadfael rolls a "3" to save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "4" and he doesn't fall from his horse.

In the second pass Sir Hillier aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "1" to hit and he misses.

In the third pass Sir Hillier aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "4" to hit and "2" to wound, breaking his second lance. Earl Cadfael rolls a "1" to save and he is wounded, so he falls from his horse.

Champion of The Baron Armand de Chalons le Chasseur "Le Blaireau Ruse"   Sir Draco D'Amonte, Champion of Lord Greyholt
[reroll to hit in the first pass] [1-1 reroll] [No swipe or dodge, reroll save]
In the first pass the Champion of the Baron Armand aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "2" to hit and the reroll is a "4", his further roll is a "6" to wound and he breaks his first lance. Sir Draco D'Amonte rolls a "1" to save and the reroll is "5", so he is safe.

In the second pass the Champion of the Baron Armand aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "2" to hit, the reroll is a "1" and he misses.

In the first pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for helm, he rolls a "2" to hit and he misses.

In the second pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "5" to hit and a " 3" to wound, breaking his first lance. The Champion of the Baron Armand rolls a "3" to save and he is wounded, so he falls from his horse.

The crowd applauds Sir Draco D'Amonte's victory.

Sir Courtney L'Howe , House of Augustin's Champion Abbot Rhoderic  
[Strike faster] [2-2 rerolls]

In the first pass Sir Courtney aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "2" to hit and misses.

In the second pass Sir Courtney aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "4" wound, breaking his first lance. The Abbot Rhoderic rolls a "5" to save and he is safe.

In the third pass Sir Courtney aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "1" to hit and he misses.

In the first pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for helm, he rolls a "1" to hit and the reroll is a "4", his further roll is a "3" to wound and he breaks his first lance. Sir Courtney rolls a "5" to save (modified to a "4") and he is wounded, his further roll is a "6" and he doen't fall from his horse.

In the second pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for shield, he rolls a "2" to hit and the reroll is a "4", he rolls a "4" to wound and he breaks his second lance. Sir Courtney rolls a "5" to save and he is safe.

In the third pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for helm, he rolls a " 4" to hit and a "4" to wound, breaking his third lance. Sir Courtney rolls a "6" to save (modified to a "5") so he is safe.

The crowd applauds the Abbot Rhoderic's victory.



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