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The Tournament Prize


    On the pastures of Quenelles many herds of horses are bred. The breeding and training of warhorses is an ancient Bretonnian tradition. Being in the vicinity of the forest of Athel Loren permits the steeds of Quenelles to be the best in all the realm. In fact every ten years the Elves of the Kindred of Equos, respecting their ancient alliance with certain Bretonnian barons, lead forth their stallions to stud. It is from the elf-steed bloodlines that Bretonnian warhorses obtain their exceptional qualities. All horse-breeding is under the direct control of the Duke. His heralds choose the mount which will go to every nobleman.

    Three years ago, from the crossbreeding of Eachan, Duchess Quenelles' thoroughbred mare and Earnil, the stallion of the Equos horse master, a promising colt was born. It was called Taurar. Once he was a fully grown stallion he was fierce and powerful, a perfect warhorse. Many Dukes have requested Taurar's services as a stud , but he belongs to the Marquis De Rochfort by law. Taurar's dam, Eachan, was presented by the Marquis to the Duchess in honor of the birth of her first child.

    Now the Marquis intends to offer as a prize for his tournament his precious destrier. Taurar is a proud animal and only the best of the Knights of Bretonnia could master him .




Taurar De Rochefort, Son of Earnil and Eachan




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