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First Round of the Quenelles Winter Tournament




 Sir Hillier George le Nagelaux Chevalier du Gréal et Duc de Carcasionne
[+1 AS] [1-1 reroll] [never dodge, +1 to hit]
In the first pass Sir Hillier aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "6" to wound breaking his first lance, Sir George le Nagelaux rolls a "5" to save and he is safe.

In the second pass Sir Hillier aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "5" to hit and a "1" to wound and the reroll is a "2" breaking his second lance, Sir George le Nagelaux rolls a "2" to save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "1" and he falls from his horse.

The crowd applauds Sir Hillier's victory.

In the first pass Sir George le Nagelaux makes a swipe, he rolls a "5" to hit (modified to a "7") and a "1" to wound and he doesn't break his lance.

In the second pass Sir George le Nagelaux aims for crest, but he will not attack.

Cap't Ricold Earl Cadfael
[Strike faster] [never dodge, +1 to hit]
In the first pass Cap't Ricold aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "1" to hit and misses.

In the second pass Cap't Ricold aims for crest, but he will not attack.

  In the first pass Earl Cadfael aims for helm, he rolls a "3" to hit (modified to a "4") and a "3" to wound breaking his first lance, Cap't Ricold rolls "3" to save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "5" and he doesn't fall from his horse.

In the second pass Earl Cadfael aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "5" to hit (modified to a "6") and a "2" to wound breaking his second lance. Cap't Ricold rolls a "2" to save and he is wounded, so he falls from his horse.

The crowd applauds Earl Cadfael's victory.

Sir Derek of Donington  Sir Courtney L'Howe , House of Augustin's Champion
[never dodge, +1 to hit] [Strike faster]
In the first pass Sir Derek of Donington aims for helm, but he will not attack.   In the first pass Sir Courtney L'Howe aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "5" to hit and  a "6" to wound breaking his first lance. Sir Derek rolls a "2" to save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "2" and he falls from his horse.

The crowd applauds Sir Courtney's victory.

Sir Daniel Tarfinelle, Champion of Baron Jules Champion of The Baron Armand de Chalons le Chasseur "Le Blaireau Ruse"
[+1S] [reroll to hit in the first pass] [2-1 rerolls]
In the first pass Sir Daniel Tarfinelle aims for crest, he rolls a "6" to hit and makes a further roll of "1", missing the Champion of the Baron Armand's crest.

In the second pass Sir Daniel Tarfinelle aims for helm, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "2" to wound breaking his first lance, The Champion of the Baron Armand can not save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "5" and he doesn't  fall from his horse.

In the third pass Sir Daniel Tarfinelle aims for helm, but he will not attack.

In the first pass the Champion of the Baron Armand aims for shield and and he will strike first, he rolls a "3" to hit and the reroll is a "2", so he misses.

In the second pass the Champion of the Baron Armand aims for helm, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "2" to hit and the reroll is a "5", then he rolls a "6" to wound breaking his first lance. Sir Daniel Tarfinelle rolls a "1" to save and he is wounded. His further roll is a "5" and he doesn't fall from his horse.

In the third pass the Champion of the Baron Armand aims for shield and he will strike first, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "5" to wound breaking his second lance. Sir Daniel Tarfinelle rolls a "2" to save and he is wounded  falling from his horse. 

The crowd applauds Champion of the Baron Armand's victory.

Abbot Rhoderic   The Village Idiot
[3-1 rerolls] [disreg. 1st wound]
In the first pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for the toilet plunger the Idiot wear on the top of his helmet/soup pot as a crest , he rolls a "5" to hit (modified to a "4") and makes a further roll of "4", knocking Village Idiot's toilet plunger off.

In the second pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "3" to hit and the reroll is a "2", so he misses.

In the third pass the Abbot Rhoderic aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "5" to hit and a "2" to wound breaking his third lance.  The Village Idiot rolls a "1" to save and he is wounded, but he disregards this wound.

The crowd applauds the Abbot Rhoderic 's victory.

  In the first pass the Village Idiot aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "3" to hit and misses.

In the second pass the Village Idiot aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "2" to wound breaking his first lance. The Abbot Rhoderic rolls a "5" to save and he is safe.

In the third pass the t he Village Idiot aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "5" to wound breaking his second lance. The Abbot Rhoderic rolls a "6" to save and he is safe.

Sir Draco D'Amonte, Champion of Lord Greyholt Sir Valont of the Border Princes
[No swipe or dodge, reroll save] [No swipe or dodge, reroll save]
In the first pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "4" to hit and a "5" to wound breaking his first lance. Sir Valont rolls a "6" for his save and he is safe.

In the second pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for crest, he roll a "2" to hit and misses.

In the third pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "6" to hit and a "3" to wound breaking his second lance. Sir Valont rolls a "6" to save and he is safe. 

In the Fourth pass Sir Draco D'Amonte aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "5" to hit and a "4"  to wound breaking his third lance. Sir Valont rolls a "3" to save and the reroll is a "4", so he's wounded. His further roll is a "4" and he doesn't  fall from his horse.

The crowd applauds Sir Draco D'Amonte's victory.

In the first pass Sir Valont aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "4" to hit and a "6" to wound breaking his first lance. Sir Draco rolls a"4" save and the reroll is a "5", so he's safe.

In the second pass Sir Valont aims for helm and he will strike first, he rolls a "6" to hit and  a "2" to wound breaking his second lance. Sir Draco D'Amonte rolls a "5" to save and he is safe. 

In the third pass Sir Valont aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "1" to hit and he misses.

In the Fourth pass Sir Valont aims for shield, resolution will be simultaneous, he rolls a "3" to hit and misses.



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