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The Contenders

 The following contestants have signed up:


Sir Hillier

Questing Virtue, Virtue of Discipline

Sir Hillier is a Quest Knight from the area of Lyonesse that was once Mousillon. His father having disgraced the family name during the Affair of the False Grail, Sir Hillier took to the Grail Quest in an attempt to bring honour back to the family and uses his surname rather than his given name so that the praise for any good deeds fall on the family rather than himself. If anything, his quest has taught him the importance of self-discipline and perserverance and, as such, he has the Virtue of Discipline.



Cap't Ricold

Knight's Virtue, Virtue of the Impetuous knight

Cap't Ricold, was recently attacked by pirates off the Sartosan coast. They were boarded, and it was discovered that Cap't Ricold's Paymaster, Morsac, was Bretonnian. They decided to take the ship and all the surviving warriors to Bretonnia to see if they could get ransom for any of them. They docked at Brionne, under the pretense of traders. A few of the men escaped, and went for help from some old Friends of Marsac's. A rescue was mounted, and  the ship was overwhelmed and reclaimed. And so the captain found himself in Brionne. He had very little, most of his stuff was still in Tilea, and  he did not know his own political situation here. The treck to Quenelles was not easy for a man with little money, and trying to keep a low profile. But he made it to Quenelles, all because of the one thing he was once the best at, to enter the tournament.


Earl Cadfael

Grail Virtue, Virtue of the Joust.

The young Cadfael earned his spurs by serving the Duke of Parravon. After completing several campaigns as a squire to one of the Duke's household knights Cadfael set out on an Errantry. This quest took the young knight through several adventures and to the four corners of the world. Rising through the ranks Cadfael finally achieved the Grail Quest and drank from the Holy Grail. Upon his return to Parravon he was offered a county in Parravon by the Duke.




Champion of The Baron Armand de Chalons le Chasseur

 "Le Blaireau Ruse"

Knight's Virtue, Virtue of Knightly Temper.

A humble vassal commanding a lush wooded tract of wilderlands within the Forest Chalons. Situated in the beautiful Vallee de Pomme, in the contreforts du Massif Orcal. It is in these enchanted woods, only two  days journey from The mystical Lac du Chalons, that the family of Baron Armand de Chalons, encountered a favored seasonal territory of the mighty and elusive White Hart. For ten years, Baron Armand's late grandsire, Sir Gilles de Parravon, tracked the fabled beast. But when the animal was finally captured, a wondrous feeling of gladness and pity overtook the hunter, and so set it free. Years later in the same territory, in the midst of a dreadful ambush upon Sir Gilles by numerous foul verminous man-beasts, the White Hart suddenly appeared and summarily saved the live of its erstwhile captor. Thenceforth the White Hart has been taken as a guardian spirit and protector to the people of Vallee de Pomme. And the errant knights of the Barony make challenges of arms to any other would-be hunters who venture the upper reaches of the Forest Chalons on the Harts trail.



Sir Derek of Donington

Knight's Virtue, Virtue of the Joust.

Derek is the son of a Norse Pirate Chieftain, Arild Sigthorsson, that during the fights on Albion had thrown his lot with the Bretonnians and saved the life of the Duke of L'Anguille (albeit to hold him for ransom first). After that, he freed the Duke and joined the Bretonnians falling prey to the charmes of the Duke's sister. Arild was later given lands in the teritories that Bretonnia claimed on Eastern Albion, the small earldom of Donington. At the age of 12, Derek has been sent across the sea to L'Anguille, to be educated at his uncle's court, and is now (at the age of 21) taking part in several tournaments across Bretonnia, in search of the quest of errantry that is to make him a Knight. Derek, however, although paying respect to her, does not worship the Lady, but the Norse Gods of his ancestors (not openly, though), and styles himself Derek Arildsson, in the Norse tradition.



George le Nagelaux Chevalier du Gréal et Duc de Carcasionne

Grail Virtue, Virtue of the Joust.








Abbot Rhoderic

Grail Virtue, Virtue of Devotion.

Rhoderic was destined from birth to become a knight. He was born the son of a minor landholding knight in Piedmont, a border province in the north of Gisoreux, and grew up knowing full well that his home, exposed and often subject to enemy attack as it was, would need him. However, imbued in him was also a sense of devotion which he could not ignore. There is much speculation as to what happened the night he spent alone in the chapel of Piedmont's ancient abbey-fortress, for he never speaks of it, and his leaving Piedmont on his errantry quest the next day was the last that was heard of him for twelve years. When he finally returned, he did so bearing the grail on his coat of arms. The same abbey-fortress he had prayed in as a child became his new home, and under his guiding hand Piedmont has thrived ever since. Nowadays, having brought the many would-be invaders of Piedmont at bay (for the time being, at least), Abbot Rhoderic of Piedmont finds time to visit other courts and participate in the splendid jousting tournaments of Bretonnia, something he delights in with all the mettle of a young Knights Errant.



Sir Valont of the Border Princes

Grail Virtue, Virtue of Purity

Born in Gisoreux Sir Valont was the eldest twin son by two hours of a questing knight who never achieved the grail. His family line has always been in the service and had the services of the Pegasus line of the Etalons. After seeing his sons born he rode off into the forest of Arden never to be seen again. The new Knight of the Realm was a kindly aging man but devoid of sons. His mother was a damsel to the grail and would cast spells of blinding light and healing. He quickly passed through errantry after defending the castle of his lord and was rose to Knight of the Realm on the field of battle against the High Elves. Never having been a Knight of the realm he became a Questing Knight as soon as he was able to ride after his battle wounds while his mother found him hallucinating. After coming back successfully from the quest he led a campaign into the border Princes establishing a foothold there in the Upper Regions. For this he was promoted o Lord and Duke of the new Province. He is not always there for he fights many enemies of the lady but appoints his Brother Steward. He is a strong servant of the grail and has founded two grail Chapels. The eldest of the line has always had the right of Etalon but Sir Valont Sometimes prefers to lead his knights from the center and so passes on the right of Etalon to his brother temporarily. Always being away this is his first Joust. Having no experience he goes armed only with his Purity to The Lady.



Sir Courtney L'Howe , House of Augustin's Champion

Questing Virtue, Virtue of the Impetuous Knight

Courtney L'Howe, le Tueur de Goblin, performs service for the Duchesse Melanie de Augustin in the south of Bretonnia as part of his Grail Quest. Born in Bordeleaux, Sir L'Howe took part in an errantry crusade into the lands of the greenskins and returned as the only surviving member of the party. Immediately elevated to Knight of the Realm, Sir L'Howe travelled southward, and was granted land in the small duchy of Augustin. L'Howe continued his campaign against the goblins in defense of the duchy of Augustin, often taking part in battling back the coming green tide. Eventually, he relinquished his lands and embarked upon his quest for the Grail under the watchful eye of Monica du Bogert, High Prophetess of Augustin. Sir L'Howe, champion of Augustin, currently commands le Chevaliers de l'Unicorn d'Or, the Duchesse Augustin's personal guard.




The Village Idiot

Totally Idiotic (Grail Virtue). The village idiot is totally inept and uneducated, he has no idea that he is endangering himself by competing in this tournament, he therefore knows no fear, as he is far too stupid to realize that he should be afraid.

Tough Little S.O.B. (Virtue of Noble Disdain). The village idiot has been beaten, kicked, back-handed, swatted, hosed-down, head-butted, thumped, popped, smacked, and pelted so often, that he has become a rather thick-headed individual, capable of sustaining higher levels of injury.

The village idiot, Sir Pervis Du Rottendumph, spends his days wallowing in nice warm muck. He has always led a life of misdirection and sloth, that is, until one great day, while wandering aimlessly about in a drainage ditch, he found an item that changed his life. He found "The all empowering-vorpal-heavy duty-super duper-dragon slaying-lance of utter death and demonic destruction". He believes this "weapon" was given to him by the lady of the drainage ditch, and that it carries unbelievable magical powers. The "weapon", in reality, is nothing more than a large pointy stick. Ever since the village idiot has found his pointy stick, he has claimed himself to be a leader of the common man, and equivalent to Grail Knight status.

He has found a knightly mount, "Gertrude the Battle Cow". She is an old swaybacked milking cow with BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy...a.k.a. "Mad Cow Disease"). Gertrude is prone to sudden, siezure-like fits of spasmodic flailing, that occasionally throws the village idiot to the ground, but otherwise she is a sound, if somewhat slow (Like the Village Idiot) mount.

The village idiot's armor is an odd collection of old rusty pots and pans tied to various parts of his dirty, malformed body. He has tied a large, threadbare, welcome mat to his chest, and wears a large soup kettle on his head. Gertrude's "barding" is actually nothing more than an old, dirty, picnic blanket.

The Village Idiot stands ready to joust for the common man. Defender of the weak, liberator of the oppressed, spokesman for the cranially challenged.


Sir Daniel Tarfinelle, Champion of Baron Jules

Knight's Virtue, Virtue of Knightly Ardour.

Sir Daniel is the owner of a castle in the Brionne region. He's a skillful Knight and a great jouster.  He's here to keep high the honor of his lord. He finished  his errantry in a tournament and now he wanders the rutted tracks of Bretonnia entering one tourney after another earning himself a valiant reputation. 







Sir Draco D'Amonte, Champion of Lord Greyholt

Knight's Virtue, Virtue of Purity

Sir Draco is from Carcasonne. His family holding was up in the mountains near the skaven-blight. The less said about its current state, the better. He has two brothers, both knights. Draco and Michael, the youngest, both seek their fortune by serving in the armies of worthy nobles. The eldest, Dennis, has undertaken the Grail quest. They have all taken a vow to someday, reunite, gather an army of their own, and scour their old home free of the skaven filth.




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