A Brief Biography Selected Discography Criticism on Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Known locations related to Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and to classic music Disclaimer index


Up to which grade did Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli willingly make a myth of His own life and music when alive, it is not within our knowledge. Now that He is not any more, His music surely survives Him, and feeds on the myth. Therefore, although this material constitutes a respectful homage to the Maestro, it does not claim to add anything to the myth.

Facts, dates, criticisms, minor facts (classified as anecdotes), and lists of recordings have been collected from various indirect sources, such as magazines, newspapers, specialized magazines, books and records back-covers, in an attempt to be as respectful of truth and complete as possible. Credits have been given wherever possible, although some of the news are reported by heart and may be therefore not exact.

In particular, the recordings section might be incomplete.

Beauty does not necessarily concide with Truth, although men are Free to choose in between.

You are kindly requested to report to me any mistake or omission.