The Order of
the Knights of the Temple of Morr In the world, there is only one sure thing; the inevitability of death. The great god Morr presides over this realm of eternal night, calling mortal beings to him when their candle inevitably burns out. In Quenelles, Duke Tancred
I initiated a relentless war against the legions of
the undead. In this crusade the Duke has been alwais supported by the priests of Morr,
the god of the dead, who very badly wish to prevent the dead in their care from
being stolen by the magic of Necromancy. Only knights who have successfully completed their errantry quest can become Templar Knights, since they have proven themselves worthy of the benefits of knighthood, although they reject them in the name of Morr, the god of death. Those wishing to become a Knight of the Temple of Morr must first prove their martial prowess and their devotion to Morr by completing an apprenticeship as a Novice. During this apprenticeship, the Novice must learn each of the fundamental skills required to become a Templar of Morr. Templars of Morr, unlike most other Knights, do not have squires. A Novice must therefore learn how to maintain their weapons, clothing and armour and to tend to the needs of their mount. Once the fundamental skills have been mastered, the Novice must complete the 'Quest of Virtue'. This minor quest might involve collecting a donation from a nearby city or escorting pilgrims to/from a nearby city. The quest is generally undertaken with little assistance from the Order and its main purpose is to test the Novice's ability to adhere to the Templar's Oath and Rule. Even a minor transgression at this stage can end a Novice's aspirations of becoming a fully fledged Templar of Morr! Once an applicant has been accepted by a Master or the Grand Master, a Novice must swear the Templar's Oath in front of his superiors in the Order and a senior Priest of Morr. The oath is as follows: (Novice) "I <<Insert Name>>, hereby
proclaim my devotion to Morr, guardian of the dead, and request service in the
Order of the Knights of the Temple of Morr." As an emblem of their dark mission, and to show their sorrow for all the brothers who have perished in their everlasting struggle, the Templars of Morr wear a black cross or fleur-de-lys on their white tunics. White symbolizes of purity - black humility. In fact, each knight who enters the Order must renounce his domain and his family Coat-of-Arms. For that reason, although formally called The High and Chivalric Order of Knights of the Temple of Morr, the Templars are probably better known as “Knights of the Black Lys” – named so after the device incorporated into their shields, surcoats and other parts of their armour. Over time and after numerous battles, the Templars of Morr have become the worst enemies of the Lords of the Undead. They remain unperturbed in the presence of the worst undead aberrations and horrors, while fighting and destroying the unliving forces. Many Liches have been vanquished and burnt by the Templar Knights. After many years service, a Templar Knight is so devoted to Morr's service, that he no longer fears death. The Templars now fully understands that service to Morr does not end with the physical death of their body.
Game Stats: Special Unit 0-1 unit of Templar Knights of Morr ......... 28 points per model
Unit Size: 5+ Equipment: Templar Knights of Morr wear heavy armour, carry a shield and ride barded Bretonnian warhorses. They are armed with hand weapon and a lance. One Templar Knight must always be upgraded to Templar Master at no additional cost. Save: 2+ Options: * Upgrade one Templar Knight to Musician (+9 pts) * Promote one Templar Knight to Standard Bearer (+18pts) * The Standard Bearer may carry a magic banner worth up to 50 pts.
SPECIAL RULES: Vow: Templar Knights of Morr have the Knight's Vow and as Bretonnian Knights they must follow the Knightly honor code. Followers of Morr: Templar Knights of Morr hate all users of Necromancy spells and all Khaine followers (i.e. Assassins and Witch Elves). Templar Knights of Morr are also Immune to Psychology. Bretonnian Warhorse: Templar Knights ride purebreed steed, they do not suffer the -1 penalty for the barding. Gods rivalry: Lady's followers can't tolerate the presence of followers of other gods in the army. No Characters with the Grail Vow can join the unit of Templars of Morr. The Lady of the Lake also will not protect theTemplar Knights of Morr with her Blessing.