One of the important works done in the last years since the Hypogeum has been closed for restoration, is the removal of the houses that used to cover the original entrance of the site.
Parts of the entrance must have been destroyed completely when the area of Hal Saflieni was being built in the beginning of the 20th century. Many big stones were found, and it is possibile that some sort of structure or a stone circle surrounded the entrance caves leading to the hypogeum. The entrance cave is not visible in the photograph as it is situated under the rock in the foreground.
The area had long been known for its caves, as in Maltese it was called tal-Gherien, 'the area of the caves'. The site was first noted on the 11 October 1844 and reported to the Governor of Malta who ordered the opening sealed off, awaiting his visit which never happened. The site was forgotten and discovered once again when the area was being built up in 1902.