Laura Delsante architetto
Studio: Via XX Settembre, 2/7
17100 SAVONA

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Dupont Corian® for a food and coffee bar international design competition


Cinderella the transformist bar table

by Laura Delsante and Romeo Vernazza architets

Brief description

Cinderella: A particular bar-table for outdoor/specially illuminated places with a built-in photovoltaic


During the day it's an essential furnishing but as dusk falls it illuminates projecting a slender light

and  dresses itself with virtual lace.The natural transluscence of Corian® and the widespread use of

photovoltaic technology creates the special effect.


Lux interior makes the Corian® surface brighter and renders pale colours warmer.A decorative

pattern impressed internally as inlay on the plate reduces the thickness allowing the light to filter



t has a stainless steel structure: a central stand with a round base: the stem of a champagne glass

on which the ½” (12.3 mm) thick CORIAN surface is placed, with a central hole to house the round,

8”(20,32 cm) diameter photovoltaic panel, protected by a coloured crystal pane.


A 6V 10W halogenous lamp (140 lumen, 72 lux, adjustable twilight sensitivity) is connected to

thephotovoltaic cells in the space between the double surfaces. The lower surface has a mirror finish

to enhance the reflected light. It has a “stand alone” lighting system; the transformer is housed

inside the steel stand.


The lace tablecloth can be substituted by any other pattern such as logos, symbols or fantasy




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