This is an unofficial
Welcome to the keep of Marquess Etien De Rochefort,
There is an Army that is always ready to fight all invaders. It is made up with regular troops gathered from Domanne & Berme and collected by the De Rochefort's vassals: Knights of the Realm with their men-at-arms and their squires.
In the dukedom of Quenelles there is a monastery of the Holy Order of Templar Knights of Morr, a flourishing knightly order of Morr knight-monks. The monastery is a great place of faith and prayers where deaths can finally find the eternal peace. Its powerful walls protect the bodies and the souls of the peasants and the graves of the knights. When Bretonnia's enemies march on the dukedom, the knight-monks wear their armor and join the battle.
Infos about me in the real world.
Last and main updates : (10/06/2006) More pages have been restored. (30/3/2006) The website is online again. but still under construction
images and names used in this site are under © copyright. Their appearance has only a
decorative purpose and no aim at profit of any kind. You should have "Lucida Blackletter" and "Old English Text MT" fonts for best viewing result Website started the August 2000 This page was last updated on 10-06-06. Photos by Andrea Zanini Member of the Bretonnian Ring [Home] [Next] [Skip] [Next 5] [Previous] [Skip Previous] |