Villar Focchiardo



Villar Focchiardo (http://www.comune.villarfocchiardo.to.it) is a pleasant country village in the Susa Valley, only 39 Km from Turin, with a population of about 2050. It is very close to the mountains and is to the right of the Riparian Dora River.

It has an altitude of about 470 meters.

Villar Focchiardo is rich with tradition and at one time has two old monasteries of the Chartreuse monks, namely Banda and Montebenedetto.

Montebenedetto is also a cultural centre where various musical concerts are performed, both vocal and orchestral.

These performances are held in the summertime. See Internet site: www.geocities.com/cartusia.

During the year there are other interesting events held in Villar Focchiardo:

- "The Way of the Cross" the evening of Good Friday.

- An historical portrayal of Count Carroccio, a nobleman from Villar Focchiardo in the 1700's. This takes place on 1 May together with "Villar Focchiardo in Flowers".

- The Chestnut Festival celebrated usually on the third Saturday and Sunday in October.

Villar Focchiardo is a twin city of Saint Julien Montdenis in France. "Au Coeur de la Vallée de la Maurienne, berceau des Alpes en Savoie". See Internet site: www.saint-julien-montdenis.com.

There are several sections or "borgate" within Villar Focchiardo. One of the oldest is "Castagneretto", which is located in the upper side, beside the Parish Church. It is on this site in 1998 that the first "exhibition" of the "Crib of Christmas" was presented.